Friday, 3 August 2012

Early Riser...

As of lately I have been having a hard time finding the motivation to get up early enough to tackle my morning workout. I recently added a message to my alarm that is a little harder to ignore!

It's easy to do on your iPhone!

~ Go to alarm
~ Edit alarm
~ Select 'Label'
~ Type in whatever will motivate you to rise and shine!

I find when it a little harder to hit the snooze this way! I'd love to hear what motivating message works for you?

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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Blazer Love

I LOVE this blazer. It is reminiscent of a Tuxedo with a high cut waist in the back and V's in the front, The lining is a greyish periwinkle that matches my silk cowl neck blouse perfectly. For me, my business attire must be easy to pair together which results in an easy morning and polished look. Finished off with a nude, patent stiletto to lengthen your legs and Voila! Pin It