Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Seasonal Snacking

So we are in the seasonal swing of things now...right? How's your meal plan working out for ya? Mine...not so good. After an array of parties I found myself headed down a path of diet destruction and it's way too early for that! I usually eat 4-5 small healthy meals a day but have reverted to 2-3 not so "clean" plates. Two weeks till Christmas gives me time to get back on track.

Healthy Holiday How to's
~ Eat breakfast, no mater how busy your morning is.
~ Pack snacks. An apple almonds beats the food fair while shopping and will keep you more energized!
~ Drink water. All those holiday coffees aren't helping you calorie intake or hydrating you.
~ If possible, sit down and eat dinner at home. Save eating out for the parties.
~ Snack at home before heading out to events where food is served. This will help you resist temptation       so you don't over indulge... too much ;)
~ Don't eat all the cookie dough!!!
~ If your hosting be sure to offer healthy options along side your usual traditional delights!
My fav go to healthy snack!
Good tips right? Now, nobody is perfect so please know I don't always follow my own advice. { I am currently addicted to the Starbucks Peppermint Mocha } spoken from a true mom "do as I say, not as I do"!! Well I'm going to try to follow my own advice this time.

*** Bonus

If I'm good 4-5 days a week, I won't feel so bad for the other 2-3!

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  1. Love nuts !

    Would you like to follow each other? (: Come follow me and I’ll follow back for sure !
    Strange Obsessions

    1. I love nuts too, easy, healthy and delicious! I'm following you now!

      xx kelly

  2. Great tips! Very useful!

    Come to visit my blog and, if you want, let's follow each other on GFC, Bloglovin and Facebook!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  3. I always eat breakfast and I try to eat healthy snacks. Thanks for the tips!

  4. I am following back through GFC, plus I am also following through bloglovin, if you want follw me back on that one too!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
