Sunday, 3 February 2013

Super Bowl XLVII Sunday

Now we are not big sports fans at our house but the big games always end up on the big screen. Since most of North America is probably tuned in I thought I'd pay a little homage with a quick post. Plus I am looking forward to the halftime show.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

xx Kelly Pin It


  1. Yep, I was surprised but I actually made it to the half time show! I usually end up doing something else while my hubs watches. ;-)

    In case you haven't entered, I'm holding a giveaway today if you would like to take a peek! ;-)

  2. Dear kelly, thank you so much for your honest comment. When I have read it today in the morning I was very touched about your words but it wasn´t possible for me to answer immediately because during the day I´m at work.

    I wish you with all of my heart the best possible way to handle the topic with your mother and wish you only the best for you and your child.

    ... and many fun during your above mentioned event of day day!


  3. Loved the Superbowl!

    If you get a sec, please check out my latest post 'Seaside Blue' Thank you so much!


    I would love for you to enter this:

    Be featured on Stylishly In Love: If you would like a chance to be featured on my fashion blog, then email me a picture of your go-to outfit for Valentine's Day. In honor of Valentine's day I will be featuring 14 bloggers. Make sure to email me by February 11th.
    Thank you.

  4. Beautiful picture, I think. It was a great time :)
