Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Resolution vs. Goal

In the first few days of new year people around the world plan on making changes to improve their life. I am one of the many people who do this....however, I have trouble with resolutions as they don't have a proven track record. We start each year off with intentions to eat healthy, spend less and exsercise more and it often doesn't last. So I choose goal setting instead. Statistics show that by simply writing or typing your goals out you are more likely to achieve them, even if you never look at them again! One day you will stumble across them cleaning out your desk drawer months later and realize you have acomplished most if not all of them! I challenge you to try it!

How to Set SMART Goals:


Here is an example of why I think SMART goals work far better than simply making a New Years Resolution.

Resolution- I want to lose weight
Cons - how much weight? by when? can I do it? how will I do it?

I want to lose 10 lbs in 3 months.
Pros - In this short sentence I have covered 4 are the SMART requirements. My goal is specific & measurable (10lbs is a specific number that can be measured on scale) It is also realistic in the fact that 10lbs is not a stretch of the imagination and there is a timeline in what I must reach my goal (3 months) With those 4 points being ticked off I think the goal is A-chievable! (#5)!!

Once you have followed the SMART goal tecnique I suggest writing down a simple action plan. Do you need a gym pass? Are you going to commit to running 3 times a week? Will you change your diet? How will you hold yourself accountable? How will you reward yourself? Action plans like the above are imperative to your success.

On the January 1st I set 6 goals!
3 month, 6 month and 1 year - personal
3 month, 6 month and 1 year - professional

~wish me luck

xx Kelly Pin It


  1. This is really inspiring, and motivating! I want to loose some kilo's too, and with a plan like this it's going to be a lot easier!

    Thanks for sharing :-)
    XO The Daily Fashion Drug

  2. Ahaha really inspiring post darling!
    Kisses and happy new year! ;D


  3. Thank you! I am following you now too!

    xx kelly

  4. a great post! really liked how you used the SMART approach for goals!

    thanks for checking out my blog; all the best for 2013 x
